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African American Catholic Community 
St. Joseph on the Rio Grande Catholic Church
5901 St. Joseph’s Drive
Albuquerque NM 87120-3767
Gabrielle Pierre-Louis, Coordinator
Phone: 505-401-8983
African American Chamber of Commerce, NM
PO Box 8920, ABQ, NM 87198
1100 Arno NE, ABQ, NM 87102
phone: 243-3949/fax: 243-1505
web: African American Cultural Association Lovie McGee P.O. Box 18043 Albuq., NM 87185-8043 299-7910
African American Economic Development Council P.O. Box 35878 Albuquerque, NM 87176 Phone: (505) 889-4590 Fax: (505) 889-4549 Email: African American Services 277-5644 Albuquerque Public Schools Black Student Union Scott Carreathers, Director Phone: 505-881-9429x7 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority President, Deidre Gordon
P.O. Box 30694 Albuq., NM 87190-69476 (505) 705-7803
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Iota Psi Lambda Chapter
P.O. BOX 30901
Albuquerque, NM 87190

Black Chamber of Commerce of NM
Ms. Karla Causey, President
3150 Carlisle Blvd., NE, Suite 103
Albuquerque, NM 87110-1689
Charlie Morrisey Scholarship Committee
P.O. Box 80163
Albuquerque, NM 87198-0163
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc P.O. Box 27044 Albuquerque, NM 87125 Web: Email: Images, Ltd Marsha Hardeman 245 Montego Ct. SE Rio Rancho, NM 87124 891-0314 John Marshall Neighborhood Association P.O. Box 26665 Albuq., NM 87125 764-8867 Juneteenth Celebrations Committee PO Box 50145 ABQ, NM 87181-0145 Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity P.O. Box 9253 Albuq., NM 87119 Kirtland Neighborhood Association Herb Edmond 1515 San Jose SE Albuq., NM 87106 Luxor Temple #202 Micheal Schuyler 525 San Pedro NE Albuq., NM 864-7265 M.W. Prince Hall Grand Lodge
Skylar Michael
525 San Pedro NE Albuq., NM 87108 268-5823/892-1035
Mahalia Jackson Temple (Elks) P.O. Box 26444 Albuq., NM 87125 242-0905/242-8204
Martin Luther King State Commission
Executive Director, Leonard R. Waites
310 San Pedro Drive NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108
Mt. Everest #1 Masonic Lodge
525 San Pedro NE
505-975 4951/268-5823
NAACP State President
Joseph Cotton
P.O. Box 3804
Hobbs, NM 88241
(575) 318-6413
NAACP NM State Conference
P.O. Box 2369
Carlsbad, NM 88221-2369
NAACP Albuquerque Branch
President, Harold Bailey, Ph.D
P.O. Box 1922
Albuq., NM 87103-1933
1130 Mesa Vista
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
NAACP Rio Rancho NW Mesa

P.O. Box 45208 Rio Rancho, NM 87174
National Council of Negro Women
Albuquerque Section

P.O. Box 21001 Albuquerque NM 87154-1001 Phone: 505-797-2750 Website:
National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) 
P.O. Box 18047
Albuquerque, NM 87185-8047
Website: Navajo Elks Lodge IBOP P.O. Box 26444 Albuq, NM 87125 242-0905/242-8204 New Mexico Black Lawyers Association P.O. Box 25687 Albuq., NM 87125
New Mexico State Fair African-American Cultural Fest

PO Box 8546 Albuquerque, NM 87198 Phone: 505-350-0443 Office of African American Affairs 310 San Pedro NE, Suite 230 Albuquerque, NM 87108 Omega Psi Phi Fraternity P.O. Box 657 Albuq., NM 87102 Rainbow Coalition Sheryl Williams P.O. Box 27165 Albuq., NM 87125 Southern Christian Leadership Conference Dr. Charles Becknell Sr P.O. Box 10082 Albuq., NM 87184 505-280-0232 UNM Black Student Union Chairperson Mesa Vista Hall RM 1130 Albuq., NM 87131 277-4975



Blacks In Government - Advocate for Federal, State, City & County government workers.

100 Black Men Of America - Founded in 1963, the 100 Black Men of America, Inc., is a national alliance of leading African American men of business, industry, public affairs and government, devoting their combined skills and resources to confronting the challenges facing African America youth.

African Development Institute - This independent, nonpartisan policy research institute is aimed at initiating practical solutions to Africa's developmental problems.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority - The sorority has grown to more than 140,000 women around the globe. Its members are college-educated women who are either matriculating or working in the fields of medicine, business, and law.

Association of Black Psychologists - Established in 1968 and operating with 27 chapters nationwide, this 1200 member organization is committed to the psychological well-being of Black people in America.

Black Awareness in Television (BAIT) - BAIT was founded to communicate African American ideas to the public and promote affirmative action in the media.

Black Urban Professionals Online - A place for professional like minded individuals to meet, greet, and network.

Congress of Racial Equality - The Congress of Racial Equality played a major role in the civil rights movement. Today, the organization seeks "to unearth covert, more subtle and unsuspecting forms of racism and discrimination".

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority - This sorority is a national service organization that was founded in 1913. Today, the organization has more than 190,000 members worldwide.

First Friday's - First Fridays is a nationally recognized networking event targeting young, black urban professionals and held the first Friday of every month in various cities throughout the nation.

Gospel Music Workshop of America - Founded by the late Rev. James Cleveland in 1966 to promote and perpetuate gospel and spiritual music, the workshop has more than 30,000 members in 144 chapters around the country.

International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters - Founded in 1970, this association was formed to address the special problems facing Black firefighters nationwide.

Iota Phi Theta Fraternity - A national service fraternity, Iota Phi Theta was founded in 1963 and has since grown to 110 chapters. The fraternity motto is "Building A Tradition, Not Resting Upon One".

Jack & Jill of America - Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was founded January 24, 1938 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from a meeting of twenty mothers under the leadership of the late Marion Stubbs Thomas with the idea of bringing together children in a social and cultural relationship.

Jesse Owens Foundation - This organization seeks to support educational and social programs that assist young people to develop their talents and become better citizens.

Minority Golf Association of America - The MGAA is the first national organization to promote
opportunities for minorities in golf and is recognized as a leading authority on inner-city junior golf programs with the theme "Golf Is For Everyone"

National Association of Colored People - The NAACP, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, is the oldest, largest and strongest Civil Rights Organization in the United States.  The principal objective of the NAACP is to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of minority group citizens of the United States.

National Black Business Council - The NBBC is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization dedicated to the creation and advancement of black businesses.

National Black MBA Association - The National Black MBA Association is the premier nonprofit organization representing African American MBAs in the public, private and entrepreneurial sector.

NJOF National Juneteenth Observance Foundation

NJCLC National Juneteenth Christian Leadership Council - WHAT IS JUNETEENTH? Juneteenth or June 19, 1865, is considered the date when the last slaves in America were freed. Although the rumors of freedom were widespread prior to this, actual emancipation did not come until General Gordon Granger rode into Galveston, Texas and issued General Order No. 3, on June 19, almost two and a half years after President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation.

Organization of Black Airline Pilots - The organization was formed in 1976 to make certain Blacks and other minorities had a group that would keep them informed about opportunities for advancement within commercial aviation.

TransAfrica, Inc. - TransAfrica Forum serves as a hub for the collection, analysis and dissemination of information on Africa and the Caribbean, and the U.S. policies affecting those regions.

United Negro College Fund - This organization is the nation's oldest and most successful higher education assistance organization. To date, more than 300,000 men and women have graduated from UNCF colleges and universities.

Urban League - Founded in 1910, the National Urban League is the premier social service and civil rights organization in America. The League is a nonprofit, community-based organization headquartered in New York City, with 115 affiliates in 34 states and the District of Columbia.





Talk Radio



Young Black Professionals of Albuquerque

Ta-Nehisi Coates


Although their total numbers in New Mexico were never large, blacks arrived with Spanish explorers and settlers and played active roles in the history of the territory and state.

In No BS, Ivory A. Toldson uses data analysis, anecdotes, and powerful commentary to dispel common myths and challenge conventional beliefs about educating Black children.

Writing from the perspective of a friend, Frederick Joseph offers candid reflections on his own experiences with racism and conversations with prominent artists and activists about theirs—creating an essential read for white people who are committed anti-racists and those newly come to the cause of racial justice.

Do Black Lives Matter to God? takes us on a historical journey through the Bible to illuminate how God sees black people and people of color. This book challenges all educators who have disparaged and ignored the exceptionalism and existence of blacks in the Bible as a way to justify their oppressive beliefs.

It seems that wherever Aria goes, someone wants to touch her hair. In the street, strangers reach for her fluffy curls; and even under the sea, in the jungle, and in space, she's chased by a mermaid, monkeys, and poked by aliens...until, finally, Aria has had enough! 

An epic biography of Malcolm X finally emerges, drawing on hundreds of hours of the author’s interviews, rewriting much of the known narrative.

Nance examines why Putin and his underlings aimed to sabotage the election and how the hacking accomplished a crucial first step for destabilizing the West. 

Sociologist and political commentator Dyson delivers a piercing and wide-ranging analysis of American race relations.

Africana: The Encyclopedia of the African and African-American Experience 

"Soul Food Advisor" shares more than 150 family recipes from Big Mama s Neck Bone Soup to Harrell s own low-cholesterol, low-sodium Country Black-eyed Peas and Okra. 

Jones's bestselling memoir is a personal account of growing up in the South as a young gay man who's attempting to find himself while battling rocky relationships with family, friends, and lovers. 

Superbly told, with the poet's gift for language and observation,Angelou's autobiography of her childhood in Arkansas.

50 Books Every Black Teen Should Read

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